Said the new gym member as we discussed their programme...
Although the narrative is changing, there is a very common misconception among the (predominantly female) population that lifting heavy weights will transform your physique into something resembling Arnold Schwarzennager overnight.
Secondly, some who have been lifting for years wish that it did.
Thirdly, that type of body takes YEARS of hard work, dedication, sacrifice and dare I say it, maybe a little pharmaceutical help.
The next words I often hear are 'I just want to get toned/tone up'. And here comes another spoiler...Those 'toned' bodies you see, are bodies who have built muscle which is visible due to the level of body fat they are carrying - that or they are genetically blessed.
To create that 'toned' physique so many admire, there needs to be enough muscle on our body, as well as a level of body fat that allows the muscle definition to be able to be seen.
In order to build muscle, our bodies need to be continually challenged with sufficient load. This will force our muscles to make adaptations to grow and become stronger to enable them to perform what is being asked of them. We do this in the gym using a process called 'progressive overload'.
In a nutshell, progressive overload is achieved by gradually increasing the amount of work your muscles are doing over time - whether by increasing weights, reps or sets of an exercise. I've written a whole blog on this here.
While any movement is good movement, we need to be lifting heavy enough to force our bodies to adapt and change. That 'toned' physique you're after won't come from doing 100's of reps with a light weight.
Let's look into some of the benefits that come from picking up and putting down the heavy things regularly:
Increased bone density - SO important as we get older.
Improved quality of life in older age - do it for your old person body!
Improved general movement due to increased muscular, joint and ligament strength.
Higher levels of self confidence, both in and out of the gym.
Decreased risk of injuries.
Better balance and coordination.
Improved heart health.
Positive effects on mental health.
Improved body composition*
*The more muscle on your body, the more energy your body uses daily. When paired with a nutritious diet, you will begin to see changes in the ratio of fat mass to muscle mass - hello that 'toned' look.
Even if you did get bulky, I'd argue it would be worth it for the benefits listed above...But here's why you won't - coming from the girl who has been lifting heavy for 4+ years and is still waiting for this so called 'bulk' to happen!
Building muscle takes a lot of work - it doesn't happen by accident.
'Beginner gains' is absolutely a thing, but after this initial phase of seeing changes in your body, the next part can be (often frustratingly) slow. This is also why we often need a 'why' that is not tied to aesthetics to keep us motivated. Focusing on some of the points above is a good start!
But what about the bulging muscle images you see within the fitness space? These 'bulky', muscularly defined bodies, both male and female, have been built with YEARS of intentional work. For a lot of these people, their body may even be their job. These people have made their training and nutrition one of, if not, the most important aspect of their life. They are most probably training more than once a day and eat in a very prescribed manner. It also pays to remember when it comes to anything online, that there is the potential that what you're seeing is not real!
The general gym goer, those of us that are strength training for the health benefits or as a hobby, need not fear our biceps bulging out of our shirts after a few concerted efforts in the gym. This is not to say that you won't see favourable changes in your physique from strength training - with patience, a little structure and a well rounded diet - you will.
Females bodies are also built differently to men. Women have a totally different genetic makeup and much less testosterone - even those of you who do lift heavy regularly will notice that you gain muscle at a much slower rate than that of your male counterparts...Unfair, right?!
My final big reason that you probably aren't in danger of getting bulky, is that you most probably aren't lifting heavy enough for this to happen - and that is being said in the nicest possible way. As I mentioned earlier, building muscle requires dedicated, regular effort and most of us who are out there gymming for the good of our health aren't training in a way that will create 'bulk'. We're simply not creating enough stimulus to force our muscles to adapt and grow in this way.
Please don't let the fear of turning into the hulk stop you from pursuing something so good for your health...You never know, you might even find a new passion in strength training! From a former HIIT and cardio queen, I can confirm that seeing those numbers creep up is so satisfying.
If you're keen to get into strength training but are unsure where to start - I'm your girl! Please get in touch if you're interested in programming, joining Four Peak Fitness or just for a chat. I'd love to help.
My e-book, Fuel Yourself For Life is also now available. In it you will find heaps of nourishing recipes and it also teaches you how to put a balanced meal together, what protein carbs and fats actually are, how to read nutrition labels and so much more. Get your copy here!
Find me on Instagram - @kando_training, or Facebook - @KANdoTraining.