Four Peak Pre-Screening
This form will help assess the suitability for all CHNZ members when being referred to the Optimal Growth Program.
Medical History:
Do you currently have, or have you had any of the following conditions?
Current Physical Activity Level:
Drinking or Smoking:
Experience Level:
Psychological/Emotional Health:
Consent and Waiver:
By signing below, I confirm that I have read and understood the questions above and have answered them truthfully. I recognize that this information is essential in the process of offering the Optimal Growth Program with Community Health NZ's Four Peak Fitness.
I understand that participating in fitness activities involves inherent risks. I accept full responsibility for my safety and agree to follow all guidance provided by the staff. I release Community Health NZ, its employees, trainers, and representatives from any liability for injury, illness, or adverse outcomes arising from my participation, except in cases of proven negligence.
I commit to participating with care for my health and safety.